School year. is. over.
And I MADE it!!!! It was touch and go there for a while. A lot of cookies were sacrificed for that to happen. And I am grateful. Cookies you are awesome.
Did she say school year? Yes, yes I did. I work at an online school as a high school advisor. I love my job, but there are times...I'm sure you know, we all have those moments. When I work on the computer all day it takes a lot of motivation to get back on in the evening and write. So a little break {that turned into a big break. oops} from the good ol' blog and now I'm back. I missed you all! Maybe, you missed me too? Just a little? :)
Anyway, Happy FRIDAY!!!!!
These little signs are growing on me. I think it's fun when there are other meanings behind them, little pop culture references. Now that you are trying to figure out the other meaning behind the Friday sign, there isn't one....I don't think anyway.
No, I'm referring to ones like this....
Chuckle chuckle. Awesome right.
This one confuses me you know what it means?
Do these people really like those little onions so much? That can't be it. Can it?
Do these people really like those little onions so much? That can't be it. Can it?
Next on the agenda.
Awesome sister is going to have another baby! So excited. And we just found out what it is {so I no longer refer to it as baby squid}. Both sides of the family went out to dinner and we each got a cake pop filled with the appropriate color for the baby.
Awesome sister is going to have another baby! So excited. And we just found out what it is {so I no longer refer to it as baby squid}. Both sides of the family went out to dinner and we each got a cake pop filled with the appropriate color for the baby.
Drum roll please....bbbrrrrrrruuummmm {that is a drum, don't judge}
Ta-dah!!!! It's pink! Another girl!!! This will be fun.
I sat Cassie down for a little heart to heart about how she can be a good big sister.
Which I felt went really well until she saw my sunglasses on the top of my head.
It just went downhill from there.
Isn't she just adorable. Ok I'm biased.
So now that I'm back we have some MAJOR catching up to do. Monday some book reviews are coming your way! Yeah! I'll see you then!
Have a wonderful Friday full of adventure!