I'm just not sure which one.....
Last night I saw the Marvelous movie "The Avengers".
Get it? Marvel-ous. Lol.
This is by far my favorite movie of the summer. Yes, it beats Spiderman, Batman and even dare I say, The Hunger Games.
I am in love with all things Marvel. I'm not sure when/how it happened, but it did.
Iron Man: LOVE!
Captain America:LOVE!
Hulk:LIKE! (ok maybe not all things Marvel, but most)
Back to last night. I went with 2 girlfriends and as we are waiting for the first extra scene (did you know there were two) at the end we began to talk about how incredibly hot those men are. Don't even pretend you haven't thought that.
'Cause you have.
Several times.
It's ok.
We understand.
Suuurrrre they are all incredibly fit.
Suuurrrre they fight bad guys to protect earth.
But their hotness is more than that.
I said their hotness is more than that. Yes, it's true. I'm not totally superficial, gosh.
I'm pretty sure there are many qualities and traits that these heroes display in the movie that my future husband needs to possess. So here we go the pros and cons for each, and why it is that my future husband needs to be like an Avenger. (Did you catch that future husband? Pay attention.) This is a very important project. That we'll start tomorrow. First up...Thor!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Hawkeye, all the way!